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Diploma All Saints 2017

Valid: 01 Jan 2017 – 31 Dec 2017

Diploma All Saints 2017

Between 1st January and 31st of December 2017 Bulgarian Radio Club BLAGOVESTNIK LZ1KCP will use the special callsigns, which has been created in honour of different Saint.

They counts for “All Saints – 2017” award and 10 points towards “St. Teodosii Tyrnovski” award.

To obtain the Diploma it is necessary to establish : For European stations 10 QSO (SWL reports), and for stations outside Europe – 5 QSO (SWL reports) with different memorial callsigns dedicated to All Orthodox Saints.

For 2017, these callsigns are 12:

LZ 552 SGO from 01.01.2017 until 31.01.2017

LZ 235 SIR from 01.02.2017 until 28.02.2017

LZ 303 MA from 01.03.2017 until 31.03.2017

LZ 303 SA from 01.04.2017 until 30.04.2017

LZ 395 SG from 01.05.2017 until 31.05.2017

LZ 121 SBS from 01.06.2017 until 30.06.2017

LZ 284 SKD from 01.07.2017 until 31.07.2017

LZ 55 UPB from 01.08.2017 until 31.08.2017

LZ 100 SK from 01.09.2017 until 30.09.2017

LZ 251 MKP from 01.10.2017 until 31.10.2017

LZ 307 MU from 01.11.2017 until 30.11.2017

LZ 710 SG from 01.12.2017 until 31.12.2017

The cost of the Diploma is 5 EUR and also it can be obtained free of charge in electronic form by e-mail.

Please send applications to:

For paper version of the Diploma please send: 5 EUR to the PayPal account:

QSL cards are not necessary, only an extract from the log.

For each year Diploma will be issued with a separate numbering: No / 2017 and etc.

Only memorial callsigns will be changed and Diploma can be obtained every year for QSO’s within period from January 01 until December 31 for the relevant year.